
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Literacy T2Wk 10, 2020

Hi, my name is Starbright and this is my work. We focused on how well we are doing in writing and reading. So, here's the slide to my work: 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NGA TAU- Counting 0-1000

Hi, my name is Starbright and this is my work. It's supposed to be moari but it does have some maths. So, we've been focusing on counting to 1000 by using Ancient Numerals. We watched a video about it and they are all different. Well, here is the slide of my work:

Perserverance in Exceptional Kiwis

Hi, my name is Starbright and this is my work. The focus is about choosing a random person that is there and the task is researching that person and write about what that person has done or did. Here's the slide to look at:

Circles Wk11T2,2020

Hi, my name is Starbright and this is my work, Circles Wk11T2,2020. We've been working on this for a couple of days to improve our maths. Here's the slide: 

Reading Response

Hi, my name is Starbright and this is my Reading Response. My work is about Fracutated Fairy tales and we can make one of our own. Fractured fairy tales are about writing the original story but changing the character's point of view. We did this together and choose different stories and made twists about it. My story is Little Red Riding Hood. Here's the slide: